Friday, February 16, 2007


If you could hear my thoughts, without me having ever spoken them?If every person you saw at a distance,you knew and knew how he felt at that particular moment? Would you dismiss me if i told you, you would know, really really know when you met the love of your life.

Chances are you probably will dismiss me. But trust me such plaguing thoughts wouldn't end with a click of the mouse. You've already entered a room that has no exit... but well, now that you're in it, you might as well sit down and look around this room.

All these questions have a common answer - and as intriguing as it may seem in today's world of technology and science, it is actually true that every time we make an advancement in technology, we peek into our ancestral period and borrow a mantra for things we say, we've made!
Our upanishads tell us our gods walked on air, disappeared into nothing and produced weapons with eyes closed. We worship them, of course after all they're gods. But do we understand them? ...I do.

Shraaps, Mantras, Shlokas - all of them were words that had real power. Just like we like to believe certain prayers and as I believe the sound 'Om' has immense power. But of course you know the difference. Half of us pray because 'its the right thing to do', or maybe because 'some day some day god will listen and I'll get the hot seat to KBC3'! And the other half, is probably full of atheists! - they couldn't care less but hey, hold on a minute. This is really not about IDOL WORSHIPS OR EVEN GODS AND GODDESSES. Its about why we pray. And why we feel they're answered or they aren't.

Can i disrupt your thoughts for just a second and take you to my room? You see Ive recently shifted to a great place! Okay, follow me.So this is my room...bed, recliner, pillows, telephone, windows...and yes - those are an untidy mess of sheets - my entrance application basically... but that's okay my sister promised me she'll help me do them.. so am not really worried.
Sounds normal up till here? Does it sound like any other girl/boy you were speaking to? I'm sure it does.

But that's why we pray. Let me explain. Just like every time you and me - we have a it a small one or something really huge, and someone instills in us the confidence that they would help us solve it, we resort to an inner peace. Serenity. We calm down...mentally. We know it'll all be okay. And it eventually does get OK because you and the helper do it together!

But in life we do not always have these 'helpers' around us ... my parents may not be able to help me with my college assignments, my sister may get married someday and be busy parenting her kids, my friends may get all *itchy and don't help me out! so i get stranded... and like this all of us do. But then we feel desperate and the more important term is HELPLESS.
Even before we think on what can WE do to help ourselves, we start looking around for OTHERS to come and help. Because as soon as problem strikes, almost the very next minute we're convinced that we're in *hit and that we cant solve it alone. So some of us, we try calling this never seen before, never heard before, invincible "ALL MIGHTY" (what we often call her/him) through our prayers. But we humans have lived within a world that functions on identities, names, faces, etc. Ours is a world that DEMANDS logic. A voice from nowhere asking you to be honest would have you go to the doctor, than to a confession box in a church. So when we begin to summon this 'almighty' for our problems, we give it a face , a name and a structure - therefore our idol worship.

But what is this 'almighty' all about? Its YOU. Every time we close our eyes and say 'Dear God', we summon ourselves. Every time we say dear god, be with me - help me pass this, we're telling ourselves - I'm going to do it. You see, it's all about INSTILLING IN FAITH. FAITH IN ONESELF = FAITH IN THE ALMIGHTY. Or else, tell me, how is it really possible to have prayed to 'our god' to help us deal with a meeting with our boss at work, and to have come back confident and successful? When we prayed, were we expecting someone looking like Jim Carry to be there present and bail us out? No. But more than often when we pray and then go deal with our problems, we come out smiling.

And this comes from me - someone who has an invincible faith in god. I believe just like these shlokas and mantras that gave our gods power back then, certain prayers and mantras give US power too. Yes you don't see people citing shlokas and flying... but we may just be moving towards that stage... :) who knows!

Let me come back to where i started from... Recall all the photographs of all your gods and goddesses and you have in religious books, your mandir or any other religious place. Whats common? This round circle (yellow in most) around our god's head - AURA. That is your inner being. Yes back then one could see the other's aura ... his mental state of being - whether he is tense, scheming, scared, happy, ecstatic, lying or even in love. :) And you know what? One can see it today too. Aura is real. You can't fake it. And believe you me, its all said and done with colours. Yes... say if i could read auras and i saw a black , dirty one around you i can BE SURE you're upto something wrong - no matter how good you may have seemed to be till then. But if i see a bright clear one, I'd probably ask you out for a coffee... because that means you're up to something good.

Isn't it really amazing how fascinating these things really are? I mean no matter how advanced we may be scientifically, things like these will always take us back to times when gods walked the earth like you and me. Almost everything was in one's control. Your karma, your life, your death...even the tilted axis on which our earth spins...

If just a beam of light can reflect these twenty years of my life and define me in a single moment of truth and knowledge ..... i wonder...i really wonder if we as humans will EVER be able to unravel the ENIGMATIC world of the gods... or maybe we have already. It's just a matter of knowing when they speak to us...that strange voice that seems to be coming from somewhere inside us? Ever wondered asking it, Who are you?


Supriya said...

Simply terrific and wonderful food for thought!!way to go pink!!:):)

a traveller said...

I've asked myself that plenty of times!
Like the way you write... I may not relate all that much to what you've written, but I do get what you're trying to say. At least, I think I do!
Cheers, Rahi. :)

Anonymous said...

hi !
well written blog.